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Elevate As An Entrepreneur With Every Word You Say, with Deirdre Van Nest

Posted Mar 5, 2025

Deirdre Van Nest teaches entrepreneurs and subject matter experts how to become high-performance, high-impact speakers, storytellers, and content creators so they can increase not only their income, but their influence and their impact on the lives of others. In this episode, Deirdre shares how she’s found business success and happiness in helping her fellow entrepreneurs increase their effectiveness. Here’s some of what you’ll learn in this episode:The experience that caused Deirdre to “leave the stage” for 24 years.What Deirdre did as a “fearless living coach.”How her business grew through speaking engagements.How she created a system to meet the needs of entrepreneurs.Why anyone can become a skilled speaker.The opportunities you get as a member of the Strategic Coach® community. Show Notes: The promise of technology is that it’s going to improve teamwork. But it’s teamwork that gives rise to technology to start with.Technology doesn’t coach itself.Information technology is the fastest growing industry in the world. Coaching is the second.In coaching other entrepreneurs, you become a better entrepreneur.Doing speaking engagements means reaching more people.Speaking is a skill that lives inside of you and goes with you wherever you are.Your reason for doing something has to be greater than your fear of doing it. Whenever you speak, people are subconsciously making snap judgments on your competency based on your communication skills.It’s important that you treat every speaking opportunity as a high-stakes presentation. If another person is willing to give you their attention, you owe it to them to be good. Every time you speak, it’s an opportunity. You don’t know who’s in the audience.Whenever you open your mouth, it’s an audition for leadership. Delivery is only about 20% of what goes into being a great speaker.To be an incredible speaker, you have to be an incredible content creator.When you think differently, you become different. And when you become different, you do different. Resources: The Self-Managing Company by Dan Sullivan  The Entrepreneur’s Guide To Time Management Your Business Is A Theater Production: Your Back Stage Shouldn’t Show On The Front Stage