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Creating Art, The Entrepreneurial Way

Posted Oct 4, 2023

How entrepreneurial can you be if you’re creating art? The answer is, entirely entrepreneurial. Dan Sullivan and Jeffrey Madoff discuss the challenges and opportunities encountered in putting together a new stage musical.  In This Episode: Failure is giving up something that’s important to you. Perseverance is probably the biggest part of being an entrepreneur. The way to get the best out of people is to work with them, listen to them, and show them respect. The number one bet that people make in their lives is on other people. Whenever you’re dealing with money, people figure out all the loopholes and tricks to try to game the system. You have to go through the stages of commitment and courage before you gain capability and confidence. The situations that require the most courage are when you have no control over the outcome. As you get older, you can become more suited to risk because you’ve been through more. The difference between confidence and courage is that confidence feels good.  Resources: The 4 C’s Formula by Dan Sullivan The Capability Amplifier Podcast with Dan Sullivan and Mike Koenigs Article about The Front Stage/Back Stage® Model Unique Ability®